On Saturday, July 6th, 2002 over 100 Riedmanns gathered
for a day to celebrate our family.
Thank you to all of those who helped make the reunion a big success.
Special thanks to Lou and Sharon Riedmann for opening their house to all and our family elders for getting everyone together.

Almost 100 family members traveled to Hanson Lakes in Omaha, NE for the big event. The shirts were great, the family biography book was outstanding, the goody bags were really neat, the kids had a blast in the water, and the food and beer were delightful. It’s good to be German, even if only for a day. And thank you to all of those who traveled in from out of town. It was great to see everyone!

We also have a few other pictures to share from the party. Check them out, you may be in one.
As part of the 2002 festivities each family member was asked to write a biography of themselves and their family.
Each name below is a link to a family’s biography. Looking back they make very interesting reading. Enjoy!
Please note: The documents were scanned from the original bios and converted to a pdf, then to a Word doc for minor corrections, then back to a pdf. There may be some errors from all the conversions.
Panowicz Bios | Van Moorleghem Bios | Garvin/Quistad Bios | George Riedmann Bios |
Al Riedmann Bios | Lory Riedmann’s Bio | Elsasser Bios | Lou Riedmann Bios |
The picture below is a link to open the original invitation for the 2002 reunion.

The “Senior Elder”, Renie Van Moorleghem, would like to express her sincere thanks to the following for making the Goody Bag Project a wonderful success:
• Helen and Sarah Van Moorleghem for their time to help assemble the goody bags
• Mary Kay Hansen — Pencils and “There is No Place Like Nebraska” magnets
• Sue Marullo — Wampum
• Wayne and Scott Van Moorleghem — United Electric screwdrivers and knives
• Lou Riedmann and Lisa Lackovic — Watkins pens
• Sharon Riedmann — Borsheim’s flag pins
• Agron and Joyce Vasha — Yellow Book Pages pens
• The George Riedmann Family — Reunion can holders/crayons
• Kathy Kemler— First Data pens
• Renie Van Moorleghem — Riedmann Reunion 2002 pencils
• The Garvins — License frames
• Rob Panowicz — Panowicz Jewelers pouches
• Gary Elsasser —Golf balls
• Debbie Enholm — Sachets
• Mark Enholm — Keyrings
• Gayle Riedmann Kazer— Luna Health bars and brochures
• Chip Riedmann — Quarry Oaks golf tees
• Russ and Anne Panowicz — California poppy seeds
• Ruth (Panowicz) and David Goularte — Washington state candy bars
• Jay and Terry (Riedmann) Johnson — Airgas notepads
• Al and Mike Riedmann — NP Dodge rulers, goody bags, emery boards, pens
• Denny Van Moorleghem — Business cards
• Sandy Stein – Assorted toys
• Bill Van Moorleghem — Dum Dums and Smartees