Far back row, standing: unknown lady with pointy hat, the four boys are the sons of Katharine Riedmann Gerhard.
Second row standing, unknown lady, Angela and Johann Riedmann (wife and husband), Pfarrer Dicker (priest), Friedrich and Johanna Axt (he is the main schoolteacher of Stetten), another son of Katharine Riedmann Gerhard, on far right Mr. Gerhard (wife is sitting to his left).
Third row, sitting: Margarete Riedmann Gerhard (husband not pictured), Sister Enswida, Dr. Fr. Alois Riedmann, Magdalena Riedmann, Georg Riedmann, Sister Wolframa, Sister Iphigenia, Katharina Riedmann Gerhard.
Front row children: Betty Gerhard (mother Margarete), (next five and last are children of Angela and Johann Riedmann) Gabriele, Regina, Alois, Georg, Ludwig, Hedwig (mother Margarete), Anna.
Other notes:
The bothers and sisters of Georg and Adam Riedmann who immigrated to America are in bold print. Georg and Magdalena are their parents.
Four of the five boys standing were named Hermann, Vinzenz, Alois and Adolf; the fifth name is not known.
The two Gerhard families are not related. Just the wives who were Riedmanns. Gerhard is a very common name.
Rita Riedmann Roehling was not born yet so she is not pictured. Her parents were Angela and Johann Riedmann. Her sister Anna (pictured) would later marry and become Anna Amthor.